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Casa de Oren / Eco-Friendly Accommodation

Casa de Oren (CdO) truly is an environmentally friendly accommodation. We are completely off grid and by generating and storing our own solar energy we reduce our CO2 footprint by more than 10kg per day. Our ecological (green) credentials are as follows.

  • We generate and store our own electricity via a 30 panel solar array and 24,000W battery backup.


  • All electrical equipment and appliances in CdO are energy efficient rated, including the LED lighting.


  • At CdO we collect water from an onsite well and rainwater from the roof, which we store in underground tanks (tens of thousands of litres) for reuse on the gardens and within the accommodation, after filtration and processing. 


  • All toilets in CdO have been fitted with small tanks and duel flush capability.


  • At CdO all toilet waste is recycled via a biodigester, which is a system that biologically digests organic material (without chemicals), either anaerobic (without oxygen) or aerobically (with oxygen). Microbes and other bacteria break down the organic material, which is then fed underground to the garden plants.

Solar Panels at Casa de Oren

Installing the Casa de Oren Solar System

Biodigester Installation at Casa de Oren
  • As detailed on the Casa de Oren page, the property is an Adobe construction (mud and straw), which significantly reduces our carbon footprint, both during construction and in the future, through improved thermal properties.


  • Unlike most Peruvian properties CdO accommodations are double glazed, mitigating energy waste.


  • The gardens within CdO have been planted with hundreds of trees, shrubs and flowers providing food, protection and homes to many birds, insects, reptiles and mammals.


  • To reduce the amount of watering during the dry Peruvian winter a significant part of the gardens has been covered in gravel, thus reducing evaporation.

Installing the Casa de Oren Bio Digester

  • We recycle or compost our waste. If it cannot be composted it is segregated for collection. All composted materials are reused to feed and nourish the planting within the CdO gardens.


  • All wood (eucalyptus) used in CdO is obtained from a sustainable source where the cut tree regrows from the remaining stump.


  • At CdO we believe in buying local produce which, not only reduces our environmental impact but also supports sustainable agriculture.

At Casa de Oren we continue to improve our eco friendly approach to the environment at every opportunity.

Reduce / Reuse / Recycle

The Installation of the Bio Digester underground garden feeding system

Everybody is welcome at Casa de Oren

There is no need to climb every mountain, ford every stream or follow every rainbow

                                                                                  ...............................................because you have just found your dream B&B

Business License Details - Nombre Comercial: Casa de Oren / Ruc: 10444877397 / Codigo: LT2022.

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